PM3.6 - Donkey Kong - Subaction - CatchDash
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None |
Hitboxes active: |
10-12 |
Subaction Index: |
0x6d |
Move staling reduces damage up to 45%. Move staling also reduces final knockback, shieldstun and hitlag
because damage is used in their formulas.
Set |
ID |
Dmg |
Angle |
Effect |
Sound |
Shieldstun |
Hitlag |
Targets |
0 |
0 |
Grab |
set action: 0x3d |
0 |
1 |
Grab |
set action: 0x3d |
0 |
2 |
Grab |
set action: 0x3d |
- AsyncWait(9.0)
- CreateGrabBox(GrabBoxArguments { hitbox_id: 0, bone_index: 0, size: 7.5, x_offset: 0.0, y_offset: 9.2, z_offset: 10.0, set_action: 61, target: AerialAndGrounded, unk: None })
- CreateGrabBox(GrabBoxArguments { hitbox_id: 1, bone_index: 0, size: 6.5, x_offset: 0.0, y_offset: 9.2, z_offset: 5.0, set_action: 61, target: AerialAndGrounded, unk: None })
- CreateGrabBox(GrabBoxArguments { hitbox_id: 2, bone_index: 0, size: 5.25, x_offset: 0.0, y_offset: 9.2, z_offset: -1.6, set_action: 61, target: AerialAndGrounded, unk: None })
- Subroutine(External: gameAnimCmd_CaptureCutCommon)
- SyncWait(3.0)
- DeleteAllGrabBoxes
- BoolVariableSetTrue { variable: RandomAccessBool(EnableActionTransition) }
- GraphicEffect(GraphicEffect { graphic: 10, bone: 0, x_offset: -15.0, y_offset: 0.0, z_offset: 0.0, x_rotation: 0.0, y_rotation: 0.0, z_rotation: 0.0, scale: 1.5, random_x_offset: 0.0, random_y_offset: 0.0, random_z_offset: 0.0, random_x_rotation: 0.0, random_y_rotation: 0.0, random_z_rotation: 0.0, terminate_with_animation: true })
- AsyncWait(8.0)
- SoundEffect1(2712)
- SyncWait(22.0)
- SoundEffect2(2792)
- SyncWait(13.0)
- SoundEffect2(2790)
- UnknownEvent { namespace: 0x18, code: 0x1, unk1: 0x0, arguments: [Value(1), Value(6), Bool(true)] }
- AsyncWait(18.0)
- SlopeContourFull { hip_n_or_top_n: 0, trans_bone: 12 }
- AsyncWait(40.0)
- SlopeContourFull { hip_n_or_top_n: 6, trans_bone: 5 }